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Thursday 15 February 2018

Computer Issues

Computer Issues

If you are having an issue with your computer or software, check the sections below to see if anything applies to your situation. Click on the hyperlink for assistance with that page.

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Section A

  • Administrator Access - Unable to run as administrator
  • Adobe issues - Issues with Adobe reader
  • Aero Interface - Aero interface does not run
  • Agent.exe slows system - This file can slow the speed of the computer
  • America Online issues- Issues dealing with AOL
  • Anti-virus conflicts - You cannot have two anti-virus programs
  • anti-virus/anti-spyware list - This is a short list of viruses and spyware
  • Anti-virus not catching viruses - Program not detecting a virus
  • Attachment unavailable - How to resolve error in Facebook
  • Automatic Update issues - Issues with Automatic Updates
  • Autorun issues - Causes to why autorun will not work

Section B

  • Back up files infected - Your backed up files can be infected
  • Bangs - There is !, ? , or X listed in Device Manager
  • Banner issues - Internet crashes when you try to enter banner
  • Battery - Battery on laptop will not charge
  • BIOS time - Time is incorrect and detects a new CPU
  • Blank screen - Screen goes blank
  • Blue screen during install - What to do if you get a blue screen during install
  • Blurry screen - help with blurry screen
  • Boot device not found - What to do if it is no device found
  • Boot only without CD - System will not boot without Windows Vista CD in

Section C

  • Cable/DSL Modem Drops Connection - Cable/DSL Modem Drops Connection
  • calendar and sharing issues- error using calendar
  • Capacitor leaking or swollen - Information on leaking or swollen capacitors.
  • CHKDSK error - cannot run CHKDSK
  • CD-ROM access - Unable to access the CD-ROM drive
  • CD-ROM drawer - CD-ROM drawer will not open
  • CD-ROM Issue - Deleting upper and lower filters may help
  • Cell selection with mouse - Mouse selects more than one cell in Excel
  • Charger - Charger/ power cord will not charge battery on laptop
  • Chrome manual uninstall - How to manually uninstall Google Chrome
  • Computer will not come on - After system been off for awhile, it will not work
  • Connection reset - Connection to server was reset
  • CPU compatible mode - The CPU is set in compatible mode
  • CPU excessively runs - If you notice the CPU is running excessively

Section D

  • Defragmentation will not start - What to do if it won't start
  • Delayed write failure - What to do if this happens
  • Disk space error - This can happen if you use the recovery drive
  • Your Developer License Expired - You get this when you open an app in Windows 8
  • Device Manager has bangs - There is !, ? , or X listed in Device Manager
  • Device Manager is blank - what to do if it is blank
  • Dial-up connection grayed out - What to do if it is grayed out
  • Diskette drive 0 seek failure - This error appears on boot-up
  • Document not registered - Issue between word and DCOM
  • Drive C will not format - Unable to format drive C
  • Drive letter not showing - The drive is not showing up in My Computer
  • Drive letter wrong - If your hard drive has the wrong drive letter, it might be that way from an incorrect install.
  • Drive size is incorrect - My computer is showing the size of the hard drive incorrectly
  • Driver issues - Having issues after a driver was installed
  • Dual menu - Dual menu showing two Windows XP choices during bootup
  • DVD sluggish - what to do if the DVD is sluggish

Section E

  • Email issues - various issues with Email
  • Enter key will not work - What to do if the enter key will not work during install
  • Error code 0x80072F8F - How to deal with this error message
  • Error message
  • Essentials Fake Pop up - Issues with fake Microsoft Essentials pop up
  • Event ID 219 - Error listed in Event Viewer
  • Event Log - This will let you see what the logs mean
  • Exception error - Get Unhandled Exception error
  • .exe will not run - A virus is keeping .exe or programs from running

Section F

  • Facebook - Issues with Facebook
  • Long delay for videos to play in Google Chrome on Chrome in Windows 10
  • Favorite will not delete - If you are trying to delete a favorite but cannot
  • Files are missing - Some or all of your files are missing.
  • Flash issues - Issues with Flash
  • Floppy Disk seek failure - Receive this error on bootup
  • Format Drive C - Unable to format drive C
  • FrontPage issues - Issues with FrontPage

Section G

  • Games live issue - Live gaming on Windows fialed to initialize
  • Ghost drivers - Seeing duplicate drivers
  • Google issues - If your having an issue with Google, look here
  • Google Task Manager - Why is Google listed so many times in Task Manager
  • Google Updater - Issues with Google Updater
  • Graphics issue with screensaver - If you are having an issue with graphics and the screensaver.
  • Graphics fuzzy - Some graphics on Internet is fuzzy
  • Graphics not showing - Pictures not showing in Internet Explorer

Section H

  • Hard drive will not format - Unable to format drive C
  • Hard drive constantly running - The hard drive constantly runs
  • Hard drive space low - Get the message the hard drive is low on free space
  • Hard error - what to do about a hard error
  • Hard drive secondary not seen - what to about the second drive not seen
  • Hauppauge WinTV no sound - How to fix the no sound issue
  • Help and Support - What to do if it will not come up
  • Homepage gets redirected - What to do if the webpage or homepage gets redirected

Section I

  • Internet issues - Issues affecting the internet
  • Infection returns - If you get rid of a virus or spyware and it returns, read this page.
  • Installer - Getting an error with the windows installer and program will not finish installing

Section K

  • keyboard keys wrong - Wrong character is displayed when a key is pressed

Section L

  • LCD reduced resolution - Problem with LCD reduced resolution
  • Live issue - Live gaming on Windows failed to initialize
  • Log off screen saver - Will not function properly

Section M

  • Media player delay - There is a long delay between songs in Vista
  • Memory allotment - Issue with Memory allotment
  • Memory changed - Troubleshoot memory changed message
  • Messenger pops up - How to deal with Messenger
  • Microsoft Essentials Fake Pop up - Issues with fake Microsoft Essentials pop up
  • Microsoft Windows Update - How to deal with issues dealing with Windows Update
  • Modem disconnects - Modem keeps disconnecting
  • Modem speed - Possible causes to slower modem speed
  • Mom Implementation - Unable to load file or assembly mom. implementation
  • Motherboard activation - Issues with motherboard activation
  • Mouse selects more than one cell in Excel - Mouse selects more than one cell in Excel
  • MSCONFIG access - Possible causes to why you can't access MSCONFIG
  • mssphtb.dll is disabled - Outlook shows this file is disabled.

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